Program for the TIPMIP General Assembly, hosted by Future Earth/Earth Commission

Program for the TIPMIP General Assembly, hosted by Future Earth/Earth Commission

A more detailed program will be made available upon speaker confirmation. Note that the core TIPMIP scientific meeting will take place Wednesday - Friday morning, and that the Saturday session can be registered for separately from the scientific program. See the General Information page for more information.

Wednesday 4. Dec.

  • Welcome Event

  • TIPMIP Overview

  • State of Tipping Science

Thursday 5. Dec.

  • Domain-Specific Overviews

  • Tipping and Abrupt Change in the Past

  • The “State of the Art” in Global Tipping Systems Modeling

  • Posters 1

Friday 6. Dec.

  • Tipping and Abrupt Change in Regional Tipping Systems

  • Detecting Tipping

  • Tipping Risks and Impacts

  • Tipping and Justice

  • Evening: Public Event and Lecture

Saturday 7. Dec.

  • Implications of Tipping for Governance and Policy

  • TIPMIP Economics

  • World Cafe and Stakeholder Roundtables

Abstract submissions: Open until 7. September

Questions: For questions please refer to tipmip-events[ at ]